The Importance of Battery Security in Large-Scale Electrification (BatSec Series 2/6)

[ Missed the previous post? Read part 1 here. ]

Electrification is at the tipping point. Current battery technology has limitations, and software-defined batteries (SDBs) will make them things of the past to accelerate electrification on an unprecedented scale.

But SDBs’ new capabilities also come with new challenges. 

  • Anything connected to a network is vulnerable to cyberattacks. We must address information security before we can deploy SDBs to support critical equipment and infrastructure.

  • More people will need access to different parts of a battery system. But if they touch something they aren’t supposed to, safety becomes an issue.

  • Operators must comply with new laws and regulations by having complete visibility of their systems, control of all access points, and the ability to establish audit trails.

When we built our SDB technology, we started from the ground up and baked battery security right into everything we do to support large-scale electrification — the widespread implementation of large battery packs (e.g., the size of a forklift) that are not necessarily grid-tied.

Here’s why a robust battery security protocol is essential for any large-scale application of software-defined battery systems:

  • User safety: SDB can disable and bypass cells unsafe to operate (e.g., overheating or prone to thermal runaway.) We must ensure no one can intentionally or unintentionally tamper with this capability or alter any safety configuration.

  • Critical infrastructure resiliency: Any disruption or compromise of software-defined battery systems used in critical infrastructure like power grids, hospitals, emergency services, and telecommunications could impact the reliability and continuity of these essential services.

  • Cybersecurity: Besides altering the behaviors of a battery pack, hackers can use connected batteries as an entry point to infiltrate other systems and networks. Without proper security, connected battery solutions could drastically increase the attack surface.

  • Access control: A battery security system can prevent unauthorized personnel from accessing or tampering with the hardware or software. You can also track who has accessed the system and what has been altered to support real-time monitoring and auditing.

  • Regulatory compliance: The future of electrification will involve standards and regulations for battery safety not unlike those for cybersecurity (e.g., HIPAA, SOC 2, NIST-800). A battery security protocol will be essential for any operation to stay compliant.

  • Clean energy transition and ESG compliance: Tanktwo’s battery security system can track the power source used to charge the batteries. Operators can choose only green energy sources to adhere to ESG mandates.

  • Electric mobility safety: Electric vehicles (EVs) can become easy targets for hackers. For example, criminals can infiltrate the system and hold a battery “hostage” for ransom. With more EVs on the road, the risks will multiply as the scale makes it more attractive for hackers to develop advanced techniques and methods.

  • Public trust and investor confidence: The success of any large-scale electrification solution must gain the trust and support of the public and investors. Battery security will become a pillar in ensuring an application can achieve widespread adoption.

Battery security is essential, but building an airtight system involves numerous parties and components. Solving the complexity also delivers benefits beyond safety and security, such as providing granular access control to accomplish other business objectives.

The next installment of this series will delve into the complexity of battery security and how to maintain checks and balances with advanced access control.


Navigating the Complexity of Battery Security (BatSec Series 3/6)


What Exactly Is Battery Security? (BatSec Series 1/6)